Salmon are jumping as we sail around San Juan island. We photographed J39, Mako, with a salmon lure hooked inside his mouth after he caught our attention with a tail lob . We’ll be watching out for him on future sails.

Harbor Seal

Stellar Sea Lions by Whale Rocks

Cormorants on Whale Rocks

minke whale

minke whale

J46 Star

J41 Eclipse (calf J51 was there too, but not pictured here)

J39 Mako attracts our attention with a taillob

J39 Mako syphop with sports fishing boats

J39 Mako. On zooming in on the photographs later we notice there is a salmon fishing lure hanging from a line leading into his mouth. NOAA responded by allocating additional funding to CWR to monitor J39 and he appeared to be doing OK

J39 Mako

J27 Blackberry

J36 Alki with calf J52

Purse Seine Salmon Fishing


Bald Eagle on Spieden Island

Piece Guillemots with fish

North side of Flattop Island