All Aboard Sailing

Humpback with Resident Orcas

June 15, 2018 – An eagle and a great blue heron were making the most of the low tide as the ebb carried us inside Turn Island and South. Harbor seals using the rocks of Sharks Reef to haul out and warm up in the sunshine. Cattle Point Lighthouse and swirling black cloud span out above the swirling ebb. Coming in to False Bay a Humpback whale was swimming with J pod Southern Residents. After a close interaction there was ‘trumpeting’ with the Humpbacks exhale. J pod appeared to be socializing and possibly foraging with some beautiful vocalizations on the hydrophone. They turned South a little before Lime Kiln Lighthouse and we continued North to circumnavigate San Juan Island. We drifted through the beautiful mirror of fast moving waters of New Channel passing the kelp forests between the Cactus Islands. With evening light and lines of Canada Geese we heeled over sailing into wind on the way home.

Great Blue Heron, Low tide at Turn Island

Great Blue Heron, Low tide at Turn Island

Bald Eagle, Low tide at Turn Island

Bald Eagle, Low tide at Turn Island

Low tide at Turn Island

Low tide at Turn Island

Harbor Seals, Shark Reef, Lopez Island

Harbor Seals, Shark Reef, Lopez Island

Purple Starfish exposed at low tide sailing close to shore Lopez Island

Purple Starfish exposed at low tide sailing close to shore Lopez Island

Steller Sea Lions and Harbor Seals with Cattle {Point Lighthouse

Steller Sea Lions and Harbor Seals with Cattle {Point Lighthouse

Harlequin Ducks, Whale Rocks

Harlequin Ducks, Whale Rocks

Sailing across Cattle Pass with crazy skies

Sailing across Cattle Pass with crazy skies

Swirling black clouds over swirling ebb currents at Cattle Point Liighouse

Swirling black clouds over swirling ebb currents at Cattle Point Liighthouse

Humpback Whale Fluke

Humpback Whale Fluke

Humpback Whale dorsal fin

Humpback Whale dorsal fin

Humpback Whale fluke, Southern Resident Dorsal fin in background

Humpback Whale fluke, Southern Resident Dorsal fin in background

Tight group of J pod near the Humpback

Tight group of J pod near the Humpback



Whale watching sailing

Whale watching sailing

J pod near Lime Kiln Point Lighthouse,   Whale watch Park

J pod near Lime Kiln Point Lighthouse, Whale watch Park

Tail in the air

Tail in the air

Goofy behaviour from J Pod Whale

Goofy behaviour from J Pod Whale

Goofy behaviour from J Pod Whale

Goofy behaviour from J Pod Whale

Breach, we think either  J51 or J49 (it's a male)

Breach, we think either J51 or J49 (it’s a male)

Lime Kilns Lime Kiln Point

Lime Kilns Lime Kiln Point

Sika Deer of Spieden Island

Sika Deer of Spieden Island

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle

Drifting through the Cactus islands

Drifting through the Cactus islands

Elephant Rock

Elephant Rock

North side of Spieden Island

North side of Spieden Island

Kelp forests of New Channel

Kelp forests of New Channel

Evening Light  and Yellow Island

Evening Light and Yellow Island

Black Oyster Catcher

Black Oyster Catcher

Canada Geese

Canada Geese

Sailing into wind

Sailing into wind

San Juan island nears sunset

San Juan island nears sunset

Sunset Friday Harbor

Sunset Friday Harbor