All Aboard Sailing

T65As and L pod, Transient and Southern Resident Orcas

June 21, 2018 – Moderately strong winds today so we reefed the main sail right off the bat. As we left the harbor there were reports of the T65A’s heading our way from the Orcas ferry landing. Our timing was perfect to catch them at McConnell Island, but they quickly picked up speed to the north making it hard to catch up in the chunky seas. It was beautiful watching the orcas charging through the waves with their exhales backlit by the sun. Suddenly to our surprise, another large group of orcas was heading our way from Sandy Pt. We realized immediately when we saw them that they were Southern Residents – a group of 18 orcas from L pod. The transients had just changed course towards Turn Pt moments before we were aware of the Southern Residents. The L’s decided to go down San Juan Channel. We stayed with them to watch them pass our home port of Friday Harbor. Tying up on a mooring buoy to have our BBQ dinner in the lee of Turn Island was a great way to end one unforgettable day.

Black Oyster Catcher

Black Oyster Catcher

Sailing North from san Juan island

Sailing North from san Juan island





L  Pod passing Point Disney, Waldron Island

L Pod passing Point Disney, Waldron Island

L Pod Souther Resident Orcas

L Pod Souther Resident Orcas

L  Pod passing Point Disney, Waldron Island

L Pod passing Point Disney, Waldron Island

L  Pod passing Point Disney, Waldron Island

L Pod passing Point Disney, Waldron Island

L Pod Southern Resident Orcas passing White Rock  with tip of Mount Baker

L Pod Southern Resident Orcas passing White Rock with tip of Mount Baker

Shelter in lee of Flattop Island

Shelter in lee of Flattop Island

Pigeon Guillemots, Flattop Island

Pigeon Guillemots, Flattop Island

Backwards half breach by Yellow island

Backwards half breach by Yellow island

Tail Slap from L110

Tail Slap from L110

Backwards half breach in San Juan Channel

Backwards half breach in San Juan Channel

Inverted tail lob

Inverted tail lob

 Southern Resident Orca L pod, L105?, passing Friday Harbor with Whale Museum

Southern Resident Orca L pod, L105 ?, passing Friday Harbor with Whale Museum

L pod with Spike Africa

L pod with Spike Africa

Tail lob by Turn Island

Tail lob by Turn Island

The breach we missed

The breach we missed

Syphop by Turn Island

Syphop by Turn Island

L pod single file passing Turn Island close to shore

L pod single file passing Turn Island close to shore

L pod single file passing Turn Island close to shore with tail lob

L pod single file passing Turn Island close to shore with tail lob

L pod clearing Turn Island

L pod clearing Turn Island

Backward half breach

Backward half breach clearing Turn island