All Aboard Sailing

Js and Ks come in through Cattle Pass to Friday Harbor and beyond

July 12, 2018 – On hearing of Resident orcas heading south on the west side of San Juan Island we sailed south. We drifted through Turn Island Pass with many harbor seals basking in the sun. We crossed Griffin Bay to Harbor Rock and found a steller sea lion who accompanied us towards Goose Island. Cormorants were busy at their nests. A bald eagle was atop Cattle Point Lighthouse. We met some members from K pod including the K14’s and some of the K13’s approaching Salmon Bank. A distant orca did 7 backflips in a row as we traveled alongside of K27 with her 7 yr old son, K44. After crossing Salmon Bank towards Iceberg Pt they made a decision to travel north through Cattle Pass. This is the first time we’ve seen Residents going up Cattle Pass. Many tail slaps and simultaneous spy hops as they entered the pass with 5 knots of flood current in their favor. We had all of J pod plus L87 minus the J16’s and J17’s who stayed on the westside of San Juan Island and we had the K13’s and K14’s minus the K12’s, K16’s and K21 who went south towards Smith Island. They traveled in three groups alongside Lopez shoreline and then Shaw Island  where we left them at Yellow Island. We sailed inside of Coon Island and Nob Island for calm waters to enjoy our dinner.

Harbor seal enjoy the summers day

Harbor seal enjoy the summers day

Harbor seal enjoy the summers day

Harbor seal enjoy the summers day

Canada Geese enjoy the summers day

Canada Geese enjoy the summers day

Black Oyster C teacher in flight

Black Oyster C teacher in flight

Stellers Sea Lion

Stellers Sea Lion

Stellers Sea Lion

Stellers Sea Lion

Harbor Seals Goose Island

Harbor Seals Goose Island

Cormorants nesting on Goose Island

Cormorants nesting on Goose Island

Bald eagle roosts on Cattle Point Lighthouse

Bald eagle roosts on Cattle Point Lighthouse

K26 with K36, siblings

K26 with K36, siblings

K pod male with Cattle Point Lighthouse and Mount Baker

K pod male with Cattle Point Lighthouse and Mount Baker

Synchronized tail lobbing with Cattle Point Lighthouse and Mount Baker

Synchronized tail lobbing with Cattle Point Lighthouse and Mount Baker


Breach, followed by 7 more back flip breaches



K27 Tail Lob

K27 Tail Lob



Fun breach

Fun breach

Upside down backflip

Upside down backflip

Inverted Tail Lob

Inverted Tail Lob

Pec fin in air

Pec fin in air

Sailing Cattle Pass San Juan island

Sailing Cattle Pass San Juan island

Tail Lob and Mount Baker

Tail Lob and Mount Baker

Spy hop and Mount Baker

Spy hop and Mount Baker

Whale watching Sailing

Whale watching Sailing

Whale watching Sailing

Whale watching Sailing

Triple Spyhop in Cattle Pass with Mount Baker

Triple Spyhop in Cattle Pass with Mount Baker

Double Spyhop in Cattle Pass

Double Spyhop in Cattle Pass

Double Spyhop in Cattle Pass

Double Spyhop in Cattle Pass

Tight group Southern Resident Orcas Lopez Island shoreline

Tight group Southern Resident Orcas Lopez Island shoreline

Tight group Southern Resident Orcas Lopez Island shoreline

Tight group Southern Resident Orcas Lopez Island shoreline

J31 and J27 Siblings

J31 and J27 Siblings

Tight group Southern Resident Orcas Shaw Island shoreline

Tight group Southern Resident Orcas Shaw Island shoreline

Tight group Southern Resident Orcas Shaw Island shoreline

Tight group Southern Resident Orcas Shaw Island shoreline

J27 Blackberry with other Js

J27 Blackberry with other Js

L87 Onyx

L87 Onyx takes up the rear

Passing North Yellow Island

Passing North Yellow Island

L87 Onyx and Turtle Back Mountain

L87 Onyx and Turtle Back Mountain