September 13, 2019 – It was fun finding 3 minke whales on Salmon Bank and sailing with a humpback whale (ID# MMX0006 aka “Double Drop”). The rain held out and it was a beautiful trip drifting in the glassy seas listening to all the common murres calling out and hearing the big exhale of the humpback. It was a fun day!

Route Map 9-13-19

Pair of bald eagles calling out on a cloudy day

Harbor seals resting on the rocks

Harbor porpoise in San Juan Channel

Great blue heron perched in the tree

Harbor seals resting

Goose Island and Cattle Pt Lighthouse

Black oystercatchers

Harbor seals resting on Deadman Island

Steller sea lions

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Minke whale on Salmon Bank

Bait Ball

Minke whale with Olympic Mountains

Minke whale

Pair of minke whales swimming together

Pair of minke whales swimming together

Pair of minke whales swimming together

Minke whale and Olympic Mountains

Humpback whale MMX0006

Humpback whale MMX0006

Humpback whale

Humpback whale

Humpback whale

Humpback whale tail

Diving birds and a harbor seal

Humpback whale surfacing with diving birds

Humpback whale surfacing near line of diving birds

Humpback whale near San Juan Island