September 14, 2019 – Winds were perfect for sailing swiftly moving us along out of Cattle Pass to meet a humpback whale MMX0006 aka “Double Drop” and back to Friday Harbor at speeds exceeding 11knots.
It was fun spotting our family of raccoons on the beach – its been awhile since we’ve seen them. The harbor seals were hauled out by Turn Island and a bald eagle was perched above in the tree top. Steller sea lions were large and in charge at Whale Rocks where they growled at each other jockeying for a good position on the rocks. Others were playfully rolling around in the water near the bull kelp beds.
The tide was in our favor to ride the ebb out and meet the humpback whale off Iceberg Pt. Just as we arrived he began cartwheeling and tail slapping. We weren’t keeping track but the captain in the boat beside us said he counted 40 tail slaps and he wasn’t done yet. It was incredible watching this massive whale throwing its body around. The Olympic Mountains in the distance were beautiful. This is an encounter we won’t soon forget!

Route Map 9-14-19

Raccoons on the beach

Raccoons on the beach

Gull calling

Bald eagle, harbor seals and Olympic Mountains

Gulls playing games with kelp

Gulls playing games with driftwood

Fast close hauled sail

Fast close hauled sail most of the way to Cattle Pass

Goose Island and Cattle Pt Light

Best adventure in the San Juans 🙂

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Gigantic steller sea lion

Steller sea lions on Whale Rocks

Does someone look out of place?

Humpback whale lunge feeding

Humpback whale cartwheel

Humpback MMX0006 tail lobbing (over 40x)

Humpback MMX0006 tail lobbing

Humpback MMX0006 tail lobbing

Humpback MMX0006 tail lobbing

Humpback whale sex ID photo – will send to experts

Humpback whale cartwheel

Humpback tail inverted tail slap

Humpback tail inverted tail slap

Humpback tail inverted tail slap

Humpback whale tail

Humpback whale MMX0006

Humpback whale MMX0006

Humpback whale tail slap

Humpback whale tail slap

Humpback whale tail slap

Humpback with Olympic Mountains

Humpback whale tail with Olympic Mountains

Black oystercatchers

Steller sea lion and Olympic Mtns

Riding the current in through Cattle Pass

Sailing in the San Juans