All Aboard Sailing

Short sail up to Jones Island

June 6, 2020 – Now that we’re in the Governors Phase II plan, we finally had our first sail with passengers since March. It was great to get out on the water and enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery. It was a fun short sail with a fun group of people.

Threading our way through a maze of islands in San Juan Channel we sailed up to Jones Island. Harbor seals, harbor porpoise, bald eagles and various diving and shore birds were among the animals we saw. Pointing into wind with an exhilarating heel made for an exciting fast sail home.

Route Map 6-6-20

Photo by Dave Mountford of us sailing up Spring Pass

Photo by Toi Costakes of us sailing in San Juan Channel

Harbor seals near Shirt Tail Reef

Yellow Island

Bald eagle on Coon Island

Sailing wing on wing

Resting harbor seals on Bird Rock

Sailing towards Nob Island

Harbor seals near Jones Island

Looking west towards Spieden Island

Sailing with spectacular skies

A fun family sail