June 21, 2020 – A perfect summer solstice birthday sail. Brisk winds carried us North with a boost from the flood current. Wing on wing sailing passed Yellow Island to Green Point and then riding the back eddy into New Channel. Spieden Island gave shelter with smooth glassy fast moving waters pulling us through the Cactus Islands alongside the flowing strands of kelp. Harbor seals watched as we drift sailed passed Ripple Island aspen grove into Boundary Pass but just as we caught a beam reach we picked up a report of Orcas Northbound on the West side of San Juan Island.
Spinning a 180 we sailed back into New Channel and followed close to the forested shoreline of Spieden in to Haro Srait. Close hauled sails and an exciting heel into a sprightly wind we came down to Battleship Rock. We met the T65As (minus T65A5) with the T37Bs families of Biggs Orcas and sailed parallel as they travelled to Stuart Island. Just before reaching Stuart Island there was an abrupt turn and we were surprised as they met the T34s with T37 out of the blue. There was a change from their traveling behavior as they zig zagged along the Canadian border in a tight social group.
We left the 3 families of orcas and headed to Turn Island Lighthouse and the cliffs of Lovers Leap. Bald eagles and belted kingfishers watched us cruise down the Stuart Island shoreline lit in warm late afternoon light. Back through New Channel and a fast sail to Flattop Island. Pigeon Guillemots whistled their high pitched calls as the evening light became even prettier. Winds became still as we ducked through Nob Island and brought out the birthday cake, Mount Baker’s snow turned pink as the sun set behind us returning home to Friday Harbor.