All Aboard Sailing

Sail to New Channel and Flattop Island

July 31, 2020 – As we left the harbor with fairly strong winds from the south we decided to head north up San Juan Channel with the winds behind us. We sailed through Nob Island Pass and over to Low Island where harbor seals were resting on the island with their young pups. We sailed wing on wing at speed making great time towards Spieden Island. Hearing of a humpback whale coming down Haro Strait from Stuart Island we made haste hoping to catch up with it. As we hugged the north shore of Spieden we found a few Mouflon Sheep grazing. 
Passing by Danger Shoal and onto Battleship Island we could see a couple distant whale watch boats a few miles out very close to the US/Canada border. Seas were building in Haro Strait making everyone a little salty as we slowly pressed on. As were were debating tacking to cross the Strait we got word that unfortunately the humpback whale crossed the border (which we’re not allowed to cross at this time due to Covid). So we changed course back towards Spieden Island with the winds behind us once again to explore the beauty of New Channel. 
Cutting in between the Cactus Islands bald eagles called out and harbor seals swam about the kelp forests. With a nice sail we crossed towards one of our favorite National Wildlife Refuges, Flattop Island. The geology was a beautiful back drop to the harbor seals along the shoreline. Bald eagles were busy perched in trees and flying back and forth watching and waiting for their turn as another eagle was eagle something on shore that they wanted to taste. 
The bright blue sky was filled with puffy clouds and the forest reflections made the water look emerald green along the coastline of San Juan Island as we made our way back to Friday Harbor.

Route Map 7-31-20

Bald eagle

Harbor seal with pup on Low Island

Harbor seal with nursing pup

Harbor seals on rock off Yellow Island

Elephant Rock

Mouflon Sheep on Spieden Island

Pair of bald eagles

Flattop Island

Harbor seal with pup on Flattop Island

Bald eagle with meal

Bald eagle with meal

Sailing with reefed sails

Mt Baker via Wasp Pass