All Aboard Sailing

Humpback whale MMZ0013 “Two Spot” outside Friday Harbor

August 16, 2020 – As we left the harbor we scanned for a humpback whale that was reported coming down Presidents Channel earlier in the morning and last spotted on the north side of Jones Island. We hugged the coastline up to Pt Caution and spotted the blow abeam of Yellow Island just ahead of us. The humpback whale was identified as MMZ0013 “Two Spot”. Coming about we let the sails out and sailed wing on wing as we watched the whale go down the channel passing Friday Harbor.  The strong flood current was really moving around Reid Rock and it was fun sailing through the current rips.
After we reached Turn Rock we had our last looks at the humpback before turning back north to sail with the current in our favor. We also based our decision on another whale sighting. Radio reports came in of two orcas known as the T10’s who were heading up the west side of San Juan Island from False Bay, and we were hoping to meet them on the north side of the island.
Our passenger took the helm sailing in flukey light winds doing a great job up to the Wasp Islands. Harbor seals were hauled out and a bald eagle was perched on the Shirt Tail Reef Marker. After a great sail up the channel we headed over to explore the north side of Spieden Island. Unfortunately, the orcas made a hard left turn at Lime Kiln Point State Park and made their way into Canada. With hopes that they’d cross back over the border we took our time exploring New Channel, but in the end they never did.
Some Mouflon sheep and Sika deer were grazing and a black oystercatcher said hello as we drifted by. The bull kelp forests looked gorgeous as we cruised close to shore, through the Cactus Islands and on through Ripple Island Pass.  Onto another favorite place, Flattop Island, where pigeon guillemots were gathered calling to one another and flying to their nests on the cliff. Passing the cormorants on White Rock National Wildlife Refuge we made our way to the stunning geology of Pt Disney and the beautiful coastline of Waldron Island.
Crossed Presidents Channel and headed down the north side of Orcas Island admiring the steep forested mountainside and the bald eagles along the way. A bald eagle chick was peering at us through the tree branches as it stood above its nest. He/she hasn’t fully fledged yet. With gorgeous skies under puffy clouds we had a great sail tacking back and forth down San Juan Channel for our return to Friday Harbor.

Humpback MMZ0013 “Two Spot”

Humpback whale close to Pt Caution

Humpback whale exhale

Humpback whale with WA State Ferry outside Friday Harbor

Humpback whale with WA State Ferry outside Friday Harbor

Sailing wing on wing whale watching

Strong flood currents outside Friday Harbor

Mt Baker

Humpback whale rounding Turn Island

Humpback MMZ0013 “Two Spot”

Humpback MMZ0013 “Two Spot”

Humpback MMZ0013 “Two Spot”

Humpback MMZ0013 “Two Spot”

Humpback MMZ0013 “Two Spot”

Bald eagle on Shirt Tail Reef Marker

Harbor seals on Low Island

Harbor seals on Low Island

Mouflon Ram on Spieden Island

Sika deer on Spieden Island

Bull kelp close to shore along Spieden Island

Bull kelp close to shore along Spieden Island

Black oystercatcher

Bull kelp forest between the Cactus Islands

Bull kelp

Pigeon guillemot near Flattop Island

Flattop Island

Harbor seal in the rocks

Looking back towards Spieden Island

Cormorants on White Rock

Cormorants on White Rock

Pt Disney, Waldron Island

Sailing close to Pt Disney, Waldron Island

Coastline of Waldron Island

Coastline of Waldron Island

Coastline of Orcas Island

Buck on Orcas Island

Buck on Orcas Island

Bald eagle nest

Bald eagle

Great blue heron up in a tree

Bald eagle in Madrone tree

Belted Kingfisher

Bald eagle chick peering at us through the branches

Bald eagle

Beautiful views coming down Presidents Channel

Sailing under puffy clouds

Looking up San Juan Channel towards Yellow Island

Route Map 8-16-20