All Aboard Sailing

Skipjack, Sucia and Clements Reef

August 18, 2020 – With good winds for sailing we made fast progress up the channel to Low Island. A bald eagle was perched on a posted sign above many harbor seals catching some Z’s. With increasing winds forecast we ducked behind Nob Island to reef the main sail before getting underway sailing wing on wing up the channel. Tacking north of Yellow Island and through Spring Pass we planned a course towards Waldron to sail up Presidents Channel. We had been listening to reports of a humpback whale seen earlier by Blunden Island traveling east which we hoped to intercept, but unfortunately the whale headed north from East Point instead of east towards Sucia Island where we hoped to meet him. 
The winds had decreased so we took out the reef in the main sail in Presidents Channel. Great sailing conditions as we came around Waldron Island and up to Pt Hammond, but when we turned the corner to sail by Bare Island we were met with a strong flood current. We used the iron genny to make our way through the islands and the bull kelp forest to circumnavigate one of our favorite National Wildlife Refuges, Skipjack Island. We found several bald eagles including a chick standing on the shoreline and loads of harbor seals resting in the sunshine. 
We stuck with our initial plan and decided to sail over to another island favorite of ours, Sucia Island. Making our way in between the South and North Fingers admiring the honeycombed sandstone geology and the unique landscape. As we rounded Ewing Island we could hear the roar of the Steller’s sea lions on Clements Reef and vocalizations of black oystercatchers as they took off in huge group flying by us. Harbor seals shared the island with the sea lions and Mt Baker was a stunning backdrop behind them. 
After circumnavigating Sucia we saw winds were increasing again so we tucked in behind Little Sucia to reef the main sail again. We had a fun sail across to Pt Doughty, but with strong winds and current against us we decided to pull in the head sail and motor sail in shore to hug the Orcas Island coastline down. The bald eagle chick gave us a great view as he stood above his nest between the trees. Excellent sailing conditions gave us a fast close hauled sail down San Juan Channel with just two tacks to return to Friday Harbor after a fantastic trip.  

Bald eagle on Low Island

Harbor seals on Low Island

Harbor seals on the rock

Waldron Island south shore

Bare Island, National Wildlife Refuge

Harbor seals on Bare Island

Skipjack Island, National Wildlife Refuge

Harbor seal with honeycomb sandstone

Bald eagle chick

Adult bald eagle

Harbor seals on north side of Skipjack Island

Harbor seals on north side of Skipjack Island

Sailing to Sucia Island

Beautiful geology of Sucia Island

Beautiful geology of Sucia Island

Beautiful geology of Sucia Island

Sailing around Sucia Island

Large group of black oystercatchers flying from Clements Reef

Black oystercatchers

Steller’s sea lions on Clements Reef

Steller sea lion with harlequin ducks and black oystercatcher

Steller’s sea lions and harbor seals on Clements Reef

Group of harbor seals

Harbor seal with reddish face

Steller sea lions with Mt Baker

Sucia Island

Sucia Island

Bald eagle nest on Sucia Island

Mares tails over Pt Doughty

Sailing towards Orcas Island

Gorgeous north shore of Orcas Island

Bald eagle chick above nest

Layers of islands looking west

Looking towards Sentinel Island

Capt Barbara sailing us back to Friday Harbor heeled over

Mt Baker in sunset light

Route Map 8-18-20