All Aboard Sailing

Short evening sail ends with a rainbow

October 9, 2020 – It had been a rainy day but the sun began to poke through beneath the dark clouds. We decided it was a go for a short sunset sail. While a passenger took the helm we went to first reef on the main sail for a fast close hauled sail tp Shaw Island. The view to the Olympic Mountains opened and we tacked to sail into the painting. We came in close to shore from Reef Point to Pear Point where harbor seals were huddled in groups warming and resting. Coming about we sailed wing on wing through Turn Island Pass with some quiet peaceful moments drifting next to the forested island. Clearing Turn Island to the North and we picked up wind again to cross the channel and then a peaceful wing on wing sail along the Shaw Island coastline. Coming about to sail back to Friday Harbor as the sun went down and a rainbow appeared over Lopez. Scenes constantly changing – October is here.

Getting a view of the Olympic Mountains

Getting a view of the Olympic Mountains

Harbor seals hauled out

View from Turn Island Pass

Sailing alongside Turn Island State Park

Bull kelp forest along Shaw Island

Harbor seal swimming by

Heavy layers of clouds

A break in the clouds with a bit of blue sky

Gorgeous rainbow

Ferry leaving Friday Harbor

Returning to Friday Harbor

Route Map 10-9-20