June 6, 2021 – Juneuary – winds 10 knots plus and rain threatening. Takes brave passengers to risk the cold and wet climate for the experience of sailing the islands of a temperate rainforest. Northbound and after smooth sailing to the Wasp Islands we enjoyed some quiet time listening to the meeting of black oystercatchers. With views of layered landscapes of islands, forests and clouds we sailed Spring Pass to Flattop National Wildlife Refuge. An active bald eagle nest, resting harbor seals and a good number of nesting pigeon guillemots gave us a chorus of high pitched whistles. Circling Gull rock cormorant rookery we had a fast sail to the Cactus Islands and a peaceful sail along the forested Spieden Island coastline. A mouflon ram with the largest horns we’d ever seen stood on two legs to nibble new shoots of leaves. Eagles watched as we sailed below them and pigeon gullets nested on the West end. Rounding Spieden we met a brisk South East breeze but light shone on the landscape of Gary Oaks to brighten the greying day. We crossed the flood current dodging rain clouds surrounding us and found something of a clearing between the rain to head South for Friday Harbor viewing the layers of rain over the areas we sailed that morning.
A scenic wildlife cruise despite rain on the horizon
- A sail around Shaw Island
- Epic minke encounter on Salmon Bank