May 29, 2022 – Evening short sail. Winds decreased from our earlier sail so we shook out the reef. We had a fun family on board all full of smiles. There were harbor seals basking in the sunshine and both eagles’ nests on Shaw Island had eagles with them.

Sailing around Turn Island

Island offshore of Turn Island

Loads of harbor seals hauled out by Turn Island

Currents by Turn Rock

Currents by Turn Rock

Eagle in the nest on Shaw Island

Another nest with a bald eagle standing by

Pt George, Shaw Island

Looking through the gap

Fun family sailing adventure

Fun family sailing adventure

Fun family sailing adventure

Fun family sailing adventure

Tip of Yellow Island

Sentinel Island in the distance

Enjoying the view from the pulpit

Our young passenger taking the helm

The girls in the cockpit

Route map 5-29-22-pm