September 22, 2022 – Great winds for sailing today. We decided to sail to some of our favorite wildlife refuges. Tacking our way up San Juan Channel we made it to Flattop Island. Next stops were White Rock, Skipjack Island and Bare Island. We wrapped around Pt Hammond and sailed close to the Waldron shoreline before crossing Presidents Channel to Lovers Cove. Hugging the steep forested coastline of Orcas Island we admired the view. Zig zagged our way through the maze of Wasp Islands enroute back to Friday Harbor. Happy 6 year Anniversary to Captains David and Barbara! 🙂
Sailing through the Wasp Islands
Harbor seals in the Wasp Islands
Reefed sails
Harbor seals on Flattop Island
Bald eagle on Flattop Island
Harbor seal on Flattop Island with awesome geology
Harbor seals on White Rock
Harbor seals on White Rock with Pt Disney
Sailing wing on wing
Sandy Pt and Pt Disney, Waldron Island
Sandy Pt and Flattop Island
Sailing to Skipjack Island
Harbor seals on Skipjack Island
Harbor seals on Skipjack Island
Harbor seals on Skipjack Island
Harbor seals on Skipjack Island
Bare Island
Happy passengers
Sailing from Bare Island to Waldron Island
Sailing down the coast of Waldron Island
Sailing down the coast of Waldron Island
Sailing down the coast of Orcas Island
Cool orca yard art
Sailing down the coast of Orcas Island
Tall sunlit ree on Orcas Island
Bald eagles nest
Sailing down the coast of Orcas Island
Sailing down the coast of Orcas Island
Historic Lime Kiln tucked away on Orcas Island
McConnell and Yellow Islands
Route map 9-22-22