All Aboard Sailing

Southbound to Whale Rocks

July 22, 2024 – Great sailing conditions as we sailed south to Whale Rocks. Lots of wildlife including great blue herons, harbor seals, our favorite naked seal without pelage (“the black matte naked seal”), bald eagles, belted kingfishers, sea lions, cormorants, and more.

Great blue heron and totem pole on Brown Island

Bald eagle

Raccoon on Turn Island

Great blue heron on Turn Island

Pair of bald eagles on Turn Island

Harbor seals and Pacific madrone tree in center

Harbor seals south of Turn Island

Harbor seals mom and pup south of Turn Island

Harbor seals near Turn Island / Pear Pt

Harbor seals, Deadman Island and Cattle Pt Lighthouse in distance

Scraggly juvenile bald eagle flying

Harbor seal, Deadman Island

Purple ochre sea star (starfish)

Belted kingfisher

Harbor seal with pup, Deadman Island

Our favorite “black matte naked seal” by Deadman Island

Our favorite “black matte naked seal” by Deadman Island

Naked harbor seal without pelage, Deadman Island

Harbor seals

Steller sea lions, Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions, Whale Rocks

Harbor seal mom and pup, Whale Rocks

Cormorants, Goose Island

Ferries coming and going near Friday Harbor

Harbor seals, Hicks Bay, Shaw Island

Bald eagle

Route map 7/22/24