All Aboard Sailing

Biggs/Transient Orcas T34’s and T37’s inter-island

July 24, 2024 – After leaving Friday Harbor we had a fast sail on the ebb current and a good push up Upright Channel. We kept our speed up with news of Biggs/Transient orcas T34’s and T37’s northbound in Rosario Strait. After exiting Peavine Pass we saw the orcas passing Spindle Rock. They took Obstruction Pass and we re-entered Peavine Pass to meet them on the other side. We were able to sail alongside until they turned south spreading wide across the channel between Lopez and Blakely Island. At Frost Island we were about to turn North when the whales also turned so we rejoined grouped together on the Lopez shoreline. T37B remained at Flower Island while the others were passing Leo Reef, but T37B1 came back to meet her. We had some good views and left them near Upright Head to sail home while the orcas turned to go back out Peavine Pass.

Route map 7/24/24

Lopez Island Upright Head

View of Mt Baker from Upright Head

Harbor seals on Spindle Rock

Harbor seals on Spindle Rock with orcas in the distance behind

Biggs/Transient orcas inter-island

Biggs/Transient orca T37B

Biggs/Transient orca T37B with youngest offspring T37B3

Biggs/Transient orca T37

Biggs/Transient orca T34

Biggs/Transient orca T37B’s

View of Mt Baker beneath the clouds

Biggs/Transient orca T37

Orca peeking

Biggs/Transient orca T37B1 with Blakely Island

Biggs/Transient orca T37B with T37B3

Biggs/Transient orca T37B1 with Blakely Island and Cypress Island

Biggs/Transient orca T34A

Biggs/Transient orca T34A

Biggs/Transient orcas T34’s and T37’s

Biggs/Transient orcas T37B1 with folks watching on the ferry passing by

Biggs/Transient orca T37B with youngest offspring T37B3

Biggs/Transient orca T37B

Biggs/Transient orca T37B and T37B3

Biggs/Transient orca T37B1 and mom

Biggs/Transient orcas T34’s and T37’s

Biggs/Transient orca T37B and T37B3