All Aboard Sailing

A Foggy Sail South

August 4, 2024 – Fog filled the air as we casted off from Friday Harbor. As we passed Turn Island we spotted a great blue heron and some raccoons foraging eating crabs and other shellfish. Harbor seals were hardly visible through the fog rolling in and a bald eagle stood in a nearby tree. As we sailed south down the channel passed Fishermans Harbor, we head news that a gray whale was found north of Sinclair Island moving N at 4 knots. We had thoughts of changing course to head that way, but knew it would be out of range for us to catch so we pressed on. The fog lifted revealing the islands and more wildlife around us. Ochre sea stars, harbor seals, bald eagles, an eaglet, black oystercatchers, cormorants, and Steller sea lions were spotted as we exited Cattle Pass. Near the west side of Salmon Bank we spotted a minke whale a couple hundred yards away surface twice. Next surfacing was headed North away from us quite a distance away so we headed that way to get a better look. While shut down we heard it again, but never got eyes on it. We guessed that maybe it was headed for Middle Bank and we went that direction, but gave up after no additional sightings or blows heard. We wrapped back around to Salmon Bank again to scan again, but no luck reacquiring. Our guess was that it may have gone the other direction to forage over by the drop off near Eagle Point. We returned via Hall Island and around Long Island with a relaxing sail riding the flood current in San Juan Channel.  
Fog bank
Raccoons having a snack on shore
Crab for lunch
Harbor seals
Harbor seals in front of Cattle point light
Ochre stars hanging on for high tide
Bald eagle
Black oystercatcher
Steller sea lions
Steller sea lions at whale rocks
Route map