August 14, 2024 – A northerly sail around Stuart Island via Low Island, north side of Spieden Island and down towards Pt Disney where we met a pair of humpback whales. The humpbacks were found in New Channel moving east about an hour after we were there. We believe the humpbacks were BCX1057 “Divot” and her newest calf born this year. The humpbacks weren’t showing their flukes to confirm ID’s. We paralleled the whales as they made their way up President Channel and left the whales abeam of Lovers Cove where we crossed the channel and came down the beautiful Orcas Island north shore. Other wildlife highlights include harbor seals with pups, many bald eagles, a Peregrine falcon on Spieden Island spotted by one of our passengers, black oystercatchers with growing chick (on Low Island), and great blue herons.