August 30, 2024 – We tacked our way sailing up San Juan Channel and over to New Channel. Juvenile and adult bald eagles, harbor seals, belted kingfishers, and Mouflon sheep watched us drift by. We’d been watching the progress of two orca brothers, T60D and T60E, northbound slowly in Haro Strait. We decided to go for it and came down south into Haro Strait. Upon arriving at Kelp Reef we met the orcas who were checking out the kelp forests. They hunted in the pass between D’Arcy and Little D’Arcy. A minke whale went passed us milling in the area eventually moved south. There were many murrelets, black turnstones, cormorants and black oystercatchers nearby. We left them to return via Spieden Channel where we saw a California sea lion thrashing with a fish.