All Aboard Sailing

Our Longest Half-Day sail! With the T19s

August 31, 2024 – This was our longest half day sail on record – we circumnavigated Lopez Island in 5 1/2 hours and covered 32 miles! The tide helped us out quite a bit especially the flood current in Rosario Strait. After departing Friday Harbor we came inside Turn Island passing the harbor seals near Pear Pt and headed south. We passed by Cattle Point Lighthouse and stopped by the Steller sea lions. We had been monitoring reports of a family of Biggs/Transient orcas, the T19’s (mother and two humungous sons), as they were eastbound by Salmon Bank. They stalled out hunting in MacKaye Harbor, Lopez Island, for quite awhile, but began moving southeast a few miles ahead of us. We tried as best as we could to catch up and eventually did near Watmough Head. As we sailed alongside we had some fantastic views of the orcas. We heard a pair of minke whales was nearby. The orcas passed closely by the State Park on James Island exciting onlookers. We said good-bye to the whales and returned via Thatcher Pass and came over the top of Upright Head. Winds picked up in Upright Channel and in San Juan Channel filling the sails after a mostly glassy day. As we entered the harbor we surprised our two young passengers with a birthday cake. A fun end to a special day.  
Bald eagle soaring overhead
Steller sea lions at whale rocks
Steller sea lion in the water
T19 and T19B
T19 and T19C
T19B “Galiano”
T19B and T19C “Galiano” and “Spouter”
Immature bald eagle
Our route!