September 16, 2024 – A fantastic sail north to some of our favourite National Wildlife Refuges: Flattop, Skipjack and Bare Islands. Spotted lots of harbor seals, harbor porpoise, bald eagles, black oystercatchers, various types of diving birds, and best of all… a minke whale. This was our first minke whale encounter of the season by “Minke Lake” near Sandy Pt, Waldron Island. Spectacular views of the minke whale with a backdrop of Mt Baker.

Route map 9/16/24

Madrone tree on Shaw Island

Mt Baker viewed in Wasp Passage

Great blue heron

Harbor seals on Flattop Island

Bald eagle on Flattop Island

Harbor seal on Flattop Island

Minke whale near “Minke Lake” west of Waldron Island

Minke whale near “Minke Lake” west of Waldron Island

Minke whale near “Minke Lake” west of Waldron Island

Harbor seal swimming by

Minke whale near “Minke Lake” west of Waldron Island

Minke whale near “Minke Lake” west of Waldron Island

Minke whale near “Minke Lake” west of Waldron Island

Minke whale near “Minke Lake” west of Waldron Island

Minke whale near “Minke Lake” west of Waldron Island

Gorgeous day

Minke whale near “Minke Lake” west of Waldron Island

Minke whale near “Minke Lake” west of Waldron Island

Minke whale near “Minke Lake” west of Waldron Island

Harbor porpoise

Minke whale with Mt Baker

Sailing towards Skipjack Island

Harbor seals on Skipjack Island

Harbor seals on Skipjack Island

Harbor seals on Skipjack Island

Harbor seals on Skipjack Island

Skipjack Island

Bare Island and Mt Baker

Bare Island and Mt Baker

Harbor seals on Bare Island

Black oystercatchers

Bald eagle on Orcas Island

Orcas Island Turtleback Mountain

Sailing wing on wing downwind