September 23, 2024 – Sailed south around Turn Island and across to the Lopez shoreline. As we passed Deadman Island we noticed in our photo a harbor seal was cuddled up next to what looks like a small (spiny dogfish) shark. On out to Whale Rocks where the Steller sea lions were hauled out. Conditions were mirror calm with wispy bands of sea mist. Approaching Salmon Bank and we met a minke whale (aka “Dent”) who was northbound toward Long Island becoming eastbound toward MacArthur Bank. We had a few good views and then it disappeared. After searching for awhile we headed North inside Hall Island and followed the south coast of Long Island where we found a large gathering of black oystercatchers (30+). Clearing Long Island towards Whale Rocks we drifted amongst active bait balls with harbor porpoises and common murres. The bands of sea mist became more prevalent giving a magical lighting to the coastline and islands.

Route map 9/23/24

Sailing around Turn Island State Park

Sailing around Turn Island State Park

Bald eagle near Turn Island State Park

Bald eagle near Turn Island State Park

Bald eagle near Pear Pt San Juan Island

Cattle Pt, San Juan Island and Olympic Mountains

Great blue heron flying by

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Harbor seal cuddled up with spiny dogfish shark ? on Deadman Island

Canada Geese

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks with sea mist

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks with sea mist

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks with sea mist

Steller sea lion eyeing us

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks

Cattle Pt Lighthouse, San Juan Island with sea mist

Minke whale on Salmon Bank (nicknamed “Dent”)

Minke whale on Salmon Bank (nicknamed “Dent”)

Minke whale on Salmon Bank (nicknamed “Dent”)

Minke whale on Salmon Bank (nicknamed “Dent”)

Harbor seals by Hall Island

Harbor seals by Hall Island

Large gathering of black oystercatchers on Long Island

Harbor seals with Cattle Pt Lighthouse in distance

Eye in the clouds

Harbor porpoise

South Lopez coast

Common murres

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks with sea mist

Steller sea lions with Cattle Pt Lighthouse

Steller sea lion

Harbor seals on the rocks by Deadman Island