September 28, 2024 – A family of Biggs/Transient orcas known as the T46B’s (minus T46B1’s who we’d seen the previous day in north Haro by Stuart Island) were zig zagging their way eastbound from Constance Bank so we decided to sail south. Running against the tide we came inside Turn Island and inside of Griffin Bay to Cattle Pass. Out over Salmon Bank but no minke whales spotted here today. As we headed to Hein Bank their course changed to northerly so we veered to the west to meet them near Middle Bank. We had a great sail paralleling the orcas. They again changed course to the southeast and we paralleled their traveling pattern. We broke off to check out MacArthur Bank finding large groups of active birds, but no minke whales here either. Returned via Iceberg Pt, Hall Island, Long Island to Whale Rocks to see the Steller sea lions. Lighting was beautiful and eventually the sun broke beneath the clouds. A magical day.

Route map 9/28/24

Washington State Ferry with Mt Baker

Harbor seals by Pear Pt, San Juan Island

Great blue heron fishing near Goose Island

Cormorants on Goose Island

Steller sea lion

Cattle Pt Lighthouse, San Juan Island

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s (minus T46B1’s)

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s with Mt Baker

Biggs/Transient orcas T46B’s with Mt Baker

Olympic Mountains

Mt Rainier

Common murres

Pretty scenery near south Lopez Island

Harbor seals by Hall Island

Sailing the San Juan Islands on a gorgeous day

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks

Cormorants on Whale Rocks

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks with Olympic Mountains

Steller sea lions at Whale Rocks

Sailing watching the sunset

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Harbor seal by Deadman Island

Harbor seal by Deadman Island

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Cattle Pt Lighthouse, San Juan Island

Great blue heron on bull kelp forest

Capt David talking with the passengers

Everyone enjoying the sunset

Mt Baker