All Aboard Sailing

Epic day with orcas! T49C followed by T19’s with T60D and T60E in the sunset

October 7, 2024 – We left Friday Harbor and moved quickly South on the ebb current with news of Biggs/Transient orca T49C Northbound across Salmon Bank and then hunting near Long Island. Waters were glassy when we arrived to South Lopez and watched as T49C made his way along the Lopez shorleline to Cattle Pass and then took the narrow cut inside Deadman Island. North of Deadman he made a turn and began a sequence of multiple inverted tail slaps along the edge of a kelp patch before crossing Cattle Pass in a fast flowing ebb and then following the San Juan shoreline into Griffin Bay.  After a visit to Fishermans Creek he travelled North and we left him to explore Deadman Island seeing harbor seals and a bald eagle and then the Steller Sea lions of Whale Rocks.

Out to Salmon Bank and we had 3 distant views of minke whale however with an erratic course he was hard to follow. With a report of more orcas, the T19’s with T60D and T60E, moving quickly Southbound from Lime Kiln we headed back towards Eagle Point where we met the 5 orcas. Travelling at first in two mixed groups and then moving offshore to Salmon Bank with a lot of playful activity, great calls on the hydrophone and breaches from T19C and T19. This was all against the backdrop of the late afternoon light over the Olympic mountain range, Mt Rainier and Mt Baker. The orcas traveled together passed Whale Rocks and then spread into groups through Cattle Pass passing either side of Deadman island. We left them travelling close to the Lopez shoreline and headed back towards Friday Harbor with an amazing mirrored sunset over the glassy calm waters. An amazing October sail.

Route map 10/7/24

Mt Baker

Bald eagle on rock

Biggs/Transient orca T49C milling in the kelp forest

Canada geese

Biggs/Transient orca T49C

Biggs/Transient orca T49C rostrum

Biggs/Transient orca T49C inverted tail lobbing

Biggs/Transient orca T49C inverted tail lobbing

Biggs/Transient orca T49C

Biggs/Transient orca T49C tail slapping

Biggs/Transient orca T49C doing a cartwheel

Biggs/Transient orca T49C inverted tail lobbing

Biggs/Transient orca T49C tail lobbing

Biggs/Transient orca T49C

Biggs/Transient orca T49C

Biggs/Transient orca T49C

Biggs/Transient orca T49C

Surf scoters

Harbor seal

Harbor seals by Deadman Island

Bald eagle overlooking Deadman Island

Steller Sea lions at Whale Rocks

Steller Sea lions at Whale Rocks

Biggs/Transient orca T60D off Eagle Pt, San Juan Island

Biggs/Transient orca T60D

Biggs/Transient orcas T19B and T60D

Biggs/Transient orca T19B off Eagle Pt

Biggs/Transient orcas T19C and T60E

Biggs/Transient orca T60D

Biggs/Transient orca T19C

Biggs/Transient orca T19C with Mt Rainier

Biggs/Transient orca T19C with Olympic Mountains

Biggs/Transient orca T60D with Olympic Mountains

Biggs/Transient orca with Olympic Mountains

Biggs/Transient orca T60D with Olympic Mountains

Biggs/Transient orcas T19’s with T60D and T60E

Biggs/Transient orcas brothers T19B and T19C

Biggs/Transient orcas T19’s with T60D and T60E

Biggs/Transient orca T19C

Biggs/Transient orcas T19’s with T60D and T60E

Biggs/Transient orcas brothers T19B and T19C

Stunning scenery

Biggs/Transient orca with Olympic Mountains

Biggs/Transient orca with Olympic Mountains

Biggs/Transient orcas T19’s

Biggs/Transient orcas T19’s

Sunset with Olympic Mountains

Biggs/Transient orca T19C breaching

Biggs/Transient orca T19C breaching

Biggs/Transient orca T19 breaching

Biggs/Transient orca T19C breaching

Biggs/Transient orcas T19’s with T60D and T60E

Biggs/Transient orcas with Mt Rainier

Biggs/Transient orcas with Mt Rainier

Biggs/Transient orcas T19’s with T60D and T60E

Orcas in the sunset with Olympic Mountains

Biggs/Transient orca T19C in the sunset

Biggs/Transient orca T60E in the sunset

Biggs/Transient orca T60E

Biggs/Transient orcas T19’s with T60D and T60E with Cattle Pt

Biggs/Transient orcas T19B and T19C tail lobbing

Biggs/Transient orcas T19’s with T60D and T60E with Cattle Pt

Biggs/Transient orcas T60E and T19C

Orca spy hop

Orca spy hop

Biggs/Transient orcas T19’s with T60D and T60E

Biggs/Transient orcas T60E and T19C

Orca T60E spy hop next to T19C

Biggs/Transient orca with Mt Baker in the sunset

Biggs/Transient orca T19B with Mt Baker in the sunset

Common murres

Biggs/Transient orcas T19C and T60E

Biggs/Transient orca T19C passing sleepy Steller Sea lions at Whale Rocks

Biggs/Transient orca T60E in sunset light

Biggs/Transient orca T19C passing Deadman Island

Cattle Pt Lighthouse, San Juan Island

Biggs/Transient orca with Lopez Island reflections

Biggs/Transient orca T19B with Lopez Island reflections

Incredible sunset over San Juan Island

Incredible sunset with reflections on the water

Sun breaking beneath the clouds

Incredible sunset after an amazing sail with whales